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Alberta ParkNo.1


I go to Alberta park to run. It is roughly two city blocks long by one city block wide. The trail around it is made of bark chips which is soft to the foot. Instead of running there today I brought my charcoal and paints. There are some giant trees there which are not only good for drawing but also for running under. In the summer they keep out the sun, and in the winter they keep out the rain. Recently we had a wind storm. On that day, about a week ago I decided not to go running there because I didn't want to get hit by a falling limb. Sure enough, when I went there today there were giant limbs all over the ground. Dogs were sniffing them, maybe they were smelling squirl tracks.


Split in Two

Ball point pen on Scrap Paper
Most of the time my doodles end up forgotten. However after finding these three I thought that they represented, in a round about way, the biological process of Mitosis. To make these drawing I start out with one simple shape and keep building slightly different shapes together until a whole is formed. It was by pure luck that the series shows a shape splitting in two. I make simple drawing like this before I fall asleep or while I am at work during slow periods. I like watching them grow because their final form appears as a surprise to me. In this sense the process is akin automatic writing.


Double Tree

Water Color

I painted this painting in forest park, an amazing place where I go to as frequently as possible. There are two simular trees because I was thinking about how the patterning of the branches seemed so similar but chaotic. To simplify painting it on paper I just decided to literally paint the tree twice to start a pattern. I am also interested in copies, and reproduction, both mechanical, and sexual. Miranda says "The reason men make art is so that they can reproduce"...
Painting and copies have an interesting relationship. There are strong associations with painting being original and or unique...In a different vein, copying and mimicry is a very good way to learn, which is how many people learn to make paintings. Something to consider.




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I am reading a book called the "Daily Practice of Painting" writings between 1962-1993 by Gerhard Ricther
He says a lot of paradoxical statements which has the effect of describing contemporary painting very specifically.

He is in an interveiw and is asked:
"Do you take the view that art and painting are becoming superfluous, because what is needed now is direct social and political involvement? Some artists have regarded this as sufficient reason to throw away thier brushes.
Certainly not. Eating doesn't become unimportant, making love doesn't become unimportant. All children paint, all Lunatics paint, for me there is no future in giving that up. Not becuase I am sick, or becuase I want to make money at it-painting has become the thing that makes my life possible."

-Gerhard Richter




"Painting has nothing to do with thinking, becuase in painting, thinking is painting. Thinking is a language-a record keeping-and has to take place before and after. Einstien did not think when he was calculating-he calculated-producing the next question in reaction to the one that went before. Just as in painting one form is a response to another and so on"
-Gerhard Richter